In any fintech company in India, the user’s pan number is commonly used as primary identification.

A common strategy used in creating test users in such an application is generating a Random pan number but one drawback with this approach is any newly generated pan should be checked against the database if it already exists to avoid a collision.

The better way is to serially generate the pan numbers to avoid a collision.

Algorithm to serially generate a pan card number for a given number (x).

generatePan: function (id) {
    const denomination = [26, 10, 10, 10, 10, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26];
    var current = id;
    var final = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      var part = current % denomination[i];
      var char = denomination[i] === 26 ? String.fromCharCode(65 + part) : part;
      final = `${char}${final}`;
      current = parseInt(current / denomination[i]);
    return final;
  1. This could be used be imported in test cases to generate unique pan numbers
  2. Also to mask pan data for production dumps.

The series would go as:

    generatePan(0)             // => AAAAA0000A
    generatePan(random_number) // => FGKNN4725Z